Adventurer | Athlete | All Things Luxe | Boss | Earthy | Minimalist | Super Thrifty | Thrifty

They say motherhood is an adventure—and it totally is—but you’re also not letting it stop you from hiking and biking and climbing and camping and, above all, traveling whenever and wherever you please.
You live for new experiences, and the outdoors is your happy place. The mountains call you, the ocean beckons you, and rather than hang up your wanderlust hat for the next decade, you figure you might as well just bring baby along for the ride. They say baby won’t remember it, but you sure will.

Sport is important to you. You stayed extraordinarily active during your pregnancy, and you plan to stay active in motherhood too. It may be a challenge, but you know your health and sanity depend on it.
Your wardrobe is bursting with athleisure, your spin shoes have a prized spot on your shoe rack, and your yoga mat spends more time rolled out than rolled up. You crave the burst of energy you get when you break a sweat doing something you love, and you live for that post workout buzz, when you feel calm, centered, and ready for anything.
You’re pretty sure sweating is the key to being a better mother. And you’re probably right.

A feast for your eyes is a feast for your soul. You often find yourself in exquisite spaces, from charming restaurants and coffee shops to delightfully curated boutiques and galleries. Beautiful lines, soothing colors, and clean aesthetics bring you joy.
People have told you babies change everything, but you’re pretty sure babies won’t change the fact that aesthetics matter to you. You don’t mind spending a little more on things that are just right, and partly because of that, your closet is full of looks you love, your shelves are full of carefully chosen objets, and your camera roll is full of tiny perfect moments. You find beauty everywhere and don’t see that changing anytime ever.

You are most decidedly not about that nine-to-five grind, and you know that success isn’t hitting an arbitrary number on an arbitrary spreadsheet. It’s prioritizing and balancing (and rebalancing) accordingly. It’s driving toward big goals while simultaneously staying present to the small stuff. It’s accepting that not everything is as important to you as it is to others, owning that, and making decisions for yourself and your family accordingly.
You’ve figured out a way to put motherhood first—because nothing is as important to you as your family—but you’ve also cultivated an incredible escape valve beyond motherhood. When you’re at work, you prioritize work. When you’re at home, you prioritize family. And somewhere in between you’re working on prioritizing yourself too.
You want to be a model for your children. Day after day you show them, “I’m a woman who means business, and I love you more than anything in the world.”

Essential oils, vitamin C, elderberry, and sunshine are your favorite medicines. You probably ate (or plan to eat) your placenta without even thinking twice about it. And if you don’t already compost, you wish you could.
You’re basically an earthy goddess, and we both know this whole thing goes way beyond your preference for organic veggies.
You rely heavily on your intuition, listen to your heart as well as your head, and you might even speak astrology with pretty impressive fluency. Earthy, crunchy, hippie, witchy... people can call it what they like. Whatever the label, living in harmony with the earth (and dare I say... universe?) is important to you, and you can’t wait to share it all with your growing family.
*Note: Although there is no Earthy + Also Mom buying guide just yet, the Minimalist buying guide will get you most of the way there. Just know you'll need to make a few minor adjustments. (Email me if you need help choosing something specific!)

You know having a baby around means you’ll need a few things to make parenthood a little easier. You also know that being inundated with stuff is not your idea of a good time.
You keep things simple because you prefer life that way. You delight in finding the exact right thing for the job, knowing that thing will last, and knowing it will look good in your space now and forever. Simple can be beautiful and perfectly functional.
In fact, you’re pretty sure simplicity is the secret to happiness. You love and are grateful for what you have, and you don’t need anything more.

The budget is tight around these parts, but that doesn’t mean you’re about to settle for ugly junk. Quality is important to you, and you’re willing to look far and wide to find great deals on the things you love.
You’ve mastered the art of buying secondhand. Craigslist, garage sales, Facebook Marketplace… there are great deals to be had everywhere if you’re willing to look. (And you’re always willing to look.) You also know how to shop smart, and you’re amazing at figuring out which compromises you can live with and which of life’s luxuries you’d prefer not to live without.
Your friends love your style and always ask you where you picked up that newest thing. You integrate bargain buys with more expensive pieces you save up for throughout your home and life, and somehow the whole thing comes off as insanely elevated. Turns out you don’t have to be a big spender to have covet-worthy possessions, you just have to hone the art of the find!
*Note: Although there is no Super Thrifty + Also Mom buying guide just yet, the Thrifty buying guide will get you most of the way there. Just know you'll need to make a few minor adjustments. (Email me if you need help choosing something specific!)

You may be on a budget, but that doesn’t mean you’re about to buy cheap junk. Quality is important to you, and you’re willing to spend good money on beautiful, well-made things now and then. You also know where to scrimp.
You’ve mastered the art of buying secondhand. Craigslist, garage sales, Facebook Marketplace… there are great deals to be had everywhere if you’re willing to look. (And you’re always willing to look.)
Your friends love your style and always ask you where you picked up that newest thing. You integrate bargain buys with more expensive pieces throughout your home and life, and somehow the whole thing comes off as insanely elevated. Turns out you don’t have to be a big spender to have covet-worthy possessions, you just have to hone the art of the find!
Consider me the gatherer—of information, people, and wisdom. I find and share all the good stuff so you don't have to, with sky high standards. I bring together women who have been transformed by motherhood and who still have big identities beyond their role as moms. I seek out the truth of truths in wisdom new and ancient to help make this motherhood journey more fulfilling and fun.
Basically, I'm that mom friend you want in your corner.
More about me? I'm a minimalist at heart, an athlete (yogi, rock climber, and retired equestrian vaulter to name a few), an adventurer (backcountry skiing is my jam), a lover of beautiful things/places/people, and in my heart of hearts—I aspire to become a home birth midwife when I grow up. I'm also a mom.
Small choices and everyday habits may not be interesting enough to make headlines, but I strongly believe that these are the very things that can add up to a beautiful life.
That's why I search far and wide for the absolute best products, advice, and resources for moms.
My standards are sky high.
And I’m betting yours are too.
I started Also Mom because I wanted to help moms sift through the marketing hype and overeager shouts of thousands of brands proclaiming to be “the best.”
I’m talking lists of “must have” baby items, often sponsored by brands themselves, featuring a bunch of junk no one actually needs.
I’m talking buzz words and artificial metrics that mean nothing.
I’m talking brands capitalizing on parents’ well-meaning but all-too-easily persuadable desire to provide “the best” for their baby.
Kind of a minefield, right?
I sift so you don’t have to, and I keep sifting until all the nonsense is removed and only the actual best of the best remains.