Every last thing you’ll need for the first six months of motherhood.
This is more than just a list of items you’ll want to have on hand before baby arrives—it’s an enlightening, inspiring, time-saving, 31-page super-guide tailored specifically to the type of mother you are and want to be.
This guide has been tailored to YOU. It is full of things that make it easier to live a life that is beautiful, functional, and above all simple.
In this Minimalist + Also Mom 0-6 Month Buying Guide, every last detail has been thoughtfully considered and every last item is linked. It takes the pain out of figuring out what you’ll need and gives you the space to do the more important stuff—motherhood and otherwise.
Consider your baby registry handled.
— What You'll Get —
A comprehensive shopping list for everything you'll need in the following categories (which—by the way—are all the categories):
- Baby Care
- Clothing
- Diapering
- Feeding
- Gear & Accessories
- Mom
- Nursery
- Play
- Sleep
- An all inclusive list of Things You Won’t Need that other baby websites might be trying to convince you to buy.
- A list of thoughtful Alternatives for the big ticket items, like strollers and car seats, in case you want to know more about the other options out there.
- All the Gear & Style Upgrades for Baby #2 (or #3 or #4...), including practical purchases like double strollers and nice-to-have upgrades.
- A complete How to Set Up Your Baby Registry step-by-step, so you can convert this entire list into a registry if you prefer to go that route.
- And because babies are expensive, an article detailing Creative Ways to Save without Sacrificing Quality, because there are many!
*The Minimalist + Also Mom 0-6 Month Buying guide is an interactive, clickable PDF. Every single item is linked and one click will take you directly to a store where you can purchase that item now (for example: this diaper balm) or—where your personal taste matters just as much as the product's function—to a page on Also Mom where you can choose your favorite from several options curated just for you (for example: these baby sun hats).
— What This Guide Will Help You Do —
- Find the exact right products for your style and needs.
- Sort through which products are actually the best for you (not your sister, your mom, or the lady who awkwardly touched your belly at the grocery store checkout).
- Sort out what you need from what you may just want and help you prioritize accordingly.
- Get consistent high-quality advice from a consistent trusted perspective.
- Distill down all the information to just what you need to know now (there are future guides for future problems).
- Help you develop the standard by which you want to live your motherhood experience, on your terms.
— A Quick Preview —
— A Little About You, Fellow Minimalist + Also Mom —

You know having a baby around means you’ll need a few things to make parenthood a little easier. You also know that being inundated with stuff is not your idea of a good time.
You keep things simple because you prefer life that way. You delight in finding the exact right thing for the job, knowing that thing will last, and knowing it will look good in your space now and forever. Simple can be beautiful and perfectly functional.
In fact, you’re pretty sure simplicity is the secret to happiness. You love and are grateful for what you have, and you don’t need anything more.